You want to work with kids…
It’s time to get the training you need!
We KNOW that the massive rise in behavioral, developmental, socialization, and processing challenges is a huge call to action for our profession.
Introducing…FOCUS™️ Certification Series.
2023 Registration
April 21-22, 2023
CDA Resort, Idaho
TAKE A LOOK AT previous seminars ▶
We KNOW that the massive rise in behavioral, developmental, socialization and processing challenges is a huge call to action for our profession.
We know that chiropractic has a major role in changing the trajectory of these challenges and we NEED step up to help improve the lives of these kids and families in our communities.
We are lacking in understanding of brain development beyond the basics of what we learn in school! We aren’t confident in our ability to tie the trajectory of brain development into the specific behaviors we are seeing from the kids walking into our offices. AND we struggle to take what we are seeing and have certainty that chiropractic is a necessity in changing the trajectory.

“Having attended the FOCUS 2 virtual seminar was one of the most intellectually and clinically pleasing experiences I have had in many years. Being taught by someone who actually does the work, sees it daily and is able to communicate it is a huge treat. If your desire is to learn about brain development and how that manifests in patient behaviors and presentations while maintaining a pure chiropractic philosophy, FOCUS 2 is your new home. Don’t hesitate to jump in. It’s awesome.”
Dr. Jack Bourla, DC, ACP
You are telling your community that chiropractic can help! You are teaching workshops and telling parents that they need to get their kids checked.
On the inside, you are nervous because while you know that all people are better un-subluxated, you still lack confidence in understanding the behaviors/issues that are being presented and why or why not they exist and have the potential to change.
▶ You are forced to “convince” parents that their child is better with chiropractic care or you lose them because you have now become another therapy in this child’s life that “doesn’t work”.
▶ You are too nervous to work with these kids because: you don’t feel confident assessing their specific needs, you don’t feel confident communicating to parents how chiropractic care can help their child, you don’t feel confident in your understanding of these specific issues or in your ability to contribute to changing their trajectory.
▶ You start looking in other directions to help these kids: nutrition, methylation, exercises, primitive reflex training (all are super important!) but it causes you to lose sight of chiropractic as the foundation. You lose your understanding and certainty in what we do and why it needs to be at the foundation of all other areas.
▶ You feel like you don’t know enough or you get confused on what you DO know. You get intimidated and feel like you don’t see results because you don’t know what to look for.

“Thank you Dr. Amy!!! Focus has been one of the biggest ah-ha moments for me in Chiropractic. It has helped me fill the gaps on a lot of things in the kiddos we see in our Family-centered practice. It has also helped me appreciate and understand more the power of the adjustment, where sometimes we were guilty of chasing other things like Primitive Reflex Integration, Nutrition or whatever, just because we want to help so much. Thanks again Dr. Amy! I am loving the brain-based chiropractic approach and the fun, hard-easy approach you delivered the material.”
Dr. Matt So
Working with this demographic can be challenging, overwhelming and down-right intimidating.
It is your obligation to your community to KNOW more!

“Through this program, I am able to change the lives of so many kids and adults and am easily becoming the most trusted advisor in my area in working with kids and adults with learning, behavioral and socialization challenges.”
Dr. Mandy Marziaz, DC
This training includes:
▶ FOCUS™ Academy Certification Series – Immediate Access to our Online self-pace learning modules 1-4.
▶ FOCUS™ Live Certification Seminar – This seminar is in-person April 21-22, 2023 at CDA Resort in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
▶ FOCUS™ Community Membership – Our private Facebook learning community, which includes Q&A and direct access to the FOCUS Team.
▶ Dr. Amy’s FOCUS Community Lecture
▶ Research references and PDF’s
▶ Initial intake FOCUS Paperwork to use in your practice
▶ Specific implementation “roadmap” of the FOCUS approach in your practice
▶ Specific exam and ROF procedures
▶ Specific communication to use in practice to implement what you have learned
▶ Demonstration and experiential learning at the live FOCUS event to become trained in the exam and clinical application of the FOCUS approach
▶ Demo box with supplies for your FOCUS exam
▶ Receive your FOCUS Certification plaque to display in your office
▶ Advertised in our directory as FOCUS Certified
▶ Eligible to join FOCUS Elite Access learning community of doctors with advanced clinical, procedural, and business support
Claim Your 2023 Spot!
$4,500 Investment
Certification Series
The FOCUS Certification series is comprised of two parts.
Online Learning Modules
Instant access
FOCUS Certification Live Event
April, 2023 at CDA Resort