Are You A Good Reader?

Let’s talk about you! Are you a good reader? Before you answer that, remember this might fluctuate depending on your stress level. Do you read every word? Do you remember what you read? Do you enjoy reading? Dr. Amy breaks down the Communication Hierarchy in this...

Regression vs Pulling In

Have you ever wondered about a patient, “Is this a regression?” When “all of a sudden,” we see a loss of tools, we need to ask ourselves if this is a regression or a pulling-in? There are times of pulling-in during typical brain development...


Do Chiropractors treat ODD? No, absolutely not. So how do we communicate the benefits of Chiropractic in a way that makes sense? Always remember the number 1 rule: Behavior is a window into the brain. They are clues to where we are in brain development. As we move...

Time Change

Time change. Nobody likes it, and most people feel its effects. This demographic, in particular, has difficulty adapting to this change. It’s not a small thing! Find out how to survive this transition with specific suggestions for planning before the time change and...

New Challenges Are Not a Surprise

We might notice some behaviors increasing right now. Kids have been in school for a little bit, and the social and academic demands are still running high. I say it all the time: Behaviors are a window into the brain! This understanding will help us determine which...

Are You Treating Scans?

Often in our profession, we do an exam, but perhaps we don’t fully know why we’re measuring the things we’re measuring and how to take those results to determine how and why you should recommend care. Another challenge is understanding how and what to check when...