Our Blog

Regression vs Pulling In

Have you ever wondered about a patient, "Is this a regression?" When "all of a sudden," we see a loss of tools, we need to ask ourselves if this is a regression or a pulling-in?...

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Do Chiropractors treat ODD? No, absolutely not. So how do we communicate the benefits of Chiropractic in a way that makes sense? Always remember the number 1 rule: Behavior is a...

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Time Change

Time change. Nobody likes it, and most people feel its effects. This demographic, in particular, has difficulty adapting to this change. It’s not a small thing! Find out how to...

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New Challenges Are Not a Surprise

We might notice some behaviors increasing right now. Kids have been in school for a little bit, and the social and academic demands are still running high. I say it all the time:...

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Are You Treating Scans?

Often in our profession, we do an exam, but perhaps we don’t fully know why we’re measuring the things we’re measuring and how to take those results to determine how and why you...

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Dr. Amy teaches how to use the developmental hierarchy of object/picture/symbol to increase prediction and decrease stress throughout your day. Even if a child could complete...

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Brain-Based Back to School Tips

We didn't want to ignore some very important things happening right now, and that's school stress. This has been a hard time, and we can support our practice members by leading...

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Top Down Or Bottom Up Issue?

The first thing we need to understand is that more stress equals bigger behaviors and deflections. But there’s one key thing we MUST remember: Behavior is a window into the...

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Combat School Stress

Studies have shown that continued exposure to heightened stress can have long term effects on learning and socialization. These days parents and kids are living in a state of...

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Tired of making decisions?

I think we can all relate to the feeling of decision fatigue at one point or another in our lives. This feeling is especially common during uncertain times. Now is a critical...

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