Our Blog
I Have a Question For You
The two main questions we should be asking ourselves about every person in our practice (not just kids!) are: 1: What tools are they using to process their world 2: What does...
Verbal or Auditory Tics & Auditory Sensitivity
Let's talk about verbal/auditory tics and auditory sensitivity. This could look like clicking pens, scripting, repetitive sounds, and so much more. We know that behavior is a...
Fourth of July Tips
Boating, grilling out, and fireworks all sound like a lot of fun, but this can be a challenging weekend for those who struggle with behavioral, learning, and socialization...
Increasing Demand
I wanted to share this with you! When we have growth, we always have a little bit of pulling in. That’s typical and normal. But there are some things you should look for to know...
Visual Cognition
Hi there! Did you know there's a simple question you can ask kids to assess their visual cognition? Ask them, "How do you know if mom or dad is upset with you?" Their answer will...
Chores can be a battle in a lot of homes. One-step instructional tasks tend to be easier. But if the job is to "clean your room," you might be seeing some push back or...