SNAKE Picture

Listen, I get it, sometimes parents of kids we work with can be HARD to deal with. Sometimes, it’s easier to say, “well, if they would just decrease the screen time, then I am sure everything I am doing would be more effective.” Or, “if they...

Visual Fixation In Newborns

As we begin to develop our central visual field (parvocellular) (ventral stream) at a few months old, it is critical to observe if a newborn is starting to attend to this system OR DEFLECT from it to create an unbalanced visual experience. THIS is an early indicator...

Create A Safer Place

What is ONE thing you will do this week to create a “safer place to land” for all parents (and kids) living in chronic stress right now!? ONE thing at a time! Here are a few things to remember! It doesn’t have to be a considerable change; simple is...

Exam On Floor

I performed an initial exam and functional brain-based assessment that looked nothing like your “typical” exam this morning. This 8-year-old is non-verbal but very communicative! She refused to go in the exam room and was “defiant” in...

What Are Your Stressors?

Let’s talk about stress! This is a universal tool everyone should have! What are YOUR stressors? Understanding this about yourself can help you navigate every relationship you have.

Fewer Words and More Pictures

This might seem strange… Don’t provide a LOT of written, printed material at first. This is actually creating a high demand for the patient or parent to process in a time of possibly heightened stress. Simplify your forms by using fewer words and using...